SkinMagic 和 SpringMagic 的 Py3 版本

抱歉因为最近比较忙,没时间更新工具,但好消息是,SkinMagic 和 SpringMagic 现在都已经有了 Py3 版本,用于 Maya 2022 和 2023 以及今后的其他新版 Maya

由于新版 Maya 里 Pymel 不是默认安装组件,所以如果遇到如下错误

# 错误: ModuleNotFoundError: file C:\Users/Administrator/Documents/maya/2023/zh_CN/scripts\springmagic\ line 9: No module named ‘pymel’


简单来说就是在 maya 的安装目录的 bin 目录里,右键运行 powershell,然后执行下面这个命令来手动安装 pymel,之后再启动 Maya 应该就可以了
“.\mayapy.exe -m pip install pymel”



《SkinMagic 和 SpringMagic 的 Py3 版本》有11个想法

  1. 安装提示这个错误怎么解决# Error: ModuleNotFoundError: file C:\Users/liexingshidai/Documents/maya/2024/scripts\springmagic\ line 5: No module named ‘urllib2’

  2. Thank you so much for updating the script on PY3!
    I have 2 problems with the new version:
    1) It’s not possible to export and import weights via “vertex weight data”, it gives an error – # Error: AttributeError: file line 2935: Can’t pickle local object ‘prepareExprotVertexData..’ OR # Error: TypeError: file line 3060: ‘dict_keys’ object is not subscriptable
    2) While the script is running, it is not possible to take a step back using Ctrl-Z. I have to turn-off the script for it to work

    1. i fixed import & export skin weight issue, just re-download py3 version to confirm
      the undo issue is a bit more work, will not solve in short term
      thx for the reporting

  3. 你好老师,和上面遇到一样的问题运行代码的时候提示:# Error: ModuleNotFoundError: file D:\sheji\maya\2022\Maya2022\Python37\lib\site-packages\shiboken2\files.dir\shibokensupport\ line 142: No module named ‘springmagic’,希望老师解答疑惑,万分感谢。

  4. 你好老师,安装2022后,按照上述步骤一一操作还是提示:# 错误: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2022\Python37\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\ line 217: 找不到文件“C:/Users/Administrator/Documents\Documents\maya\scripts\skinMagic\skinMagic.ui”。 # ,希望老师解答疑惑,万分感谢。


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